company driver law

Driver Training to the highest standards since 1972

Tom Grainger School of Motoring may be able to save you money on your insurance costs + vehicle running costs, as well as complying with Health and Safety guidelines, plus other benefits, by having a Driver Risk Assessment Management Policy in place.

How good are your employee’s driving skills?

  • Do they drive safely?
  • Do their driving skills need developing?
  • Do they drive economically?
  • Do your insurance claims keep increasing?
  • Do you comply with Health & Safety guidelines?

With more than 30 years experience training, the towns motorists Tom Grainger School of Motoring Ltd is now expanding to provide Fleet Driver Training.

Based on Padgate Lane, Warrington, Tom and his highly trained staff are now providing driver assessments and corrective driver training, ensuring employers have in place effective health and safety management for their employees, while out on the road.

Established in 1972, Tom Grainger SOM has vast experience in all forms of driver and rider training and can tailor training to the risks or budget of each individual company.

The Health and Safety at Work Act requires employers to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all employees while at work. An employer also has a responsibility to ensure that others are not put at risk by work-related driving activities.

Some employers fear that implementing an effective work-related road safety policy could be too costly – when in reality the consequences of not implementing such a policy could be more costly still.

Despite clear implications for company liability in the event of under trained employees being involved in an accident, the number of businesses failing to implement adequate training programmes is still extremely high.

Benefits include control over costs such as wear and tear, fuel, insurance premiums, legal fees, claims from employees and third parties, fewer days loss due to injury, reduced stress and improved morale, less lost time due to work rescheduling, fewer vehicles off the road for repair and less chance of key employees being banned from driving.

For more details on driving at work, contact the Health and Safety Executive on 01797 881165 or visit their website

To find out more about how to train your drivers contact Tom Grainger School of Motoring on 07483 101099.

  • Customers come to us from all areas
  • Developing driving skills & lowering the risk of collisions
  • Driving more economically,which, in turn, will help lower insurance costs, stabilise, and will comply with health & safety executive guidelines